Bucking the trend and reacting to uncertainty with a significant investment in new premises in Warwick
Whilst many UK companies are contracting or demonstrating nervous caution in the face of current uncertainty Warwick based GfA UK Ltd has been busy commissioning and moving to brand new premises on the Tournament Fields business park in Warwick.

Attracting the top talent is crucial if succession planning and future expansion plans are to be fulfilled. Recognising that an attractive working environment, with all the latest facilities, is one of the factors influencing recruits, GfA has invested in a set up that is designed to draw and retain the younger generation and impress experienced engineers.
The building is only minutes from the M40 with access to the full UK motorway network. It means it’s ideally situated for customers who will visit for meetings and training sessions, as well as providing easy access to the road network for deliveries dispatched from the warehouse.

“Providing security, a great working environment and room for expansion the new factory is something we are very proud of and can’t wait to share with our customers,” says GfA UK Ltd’s Managing Director, Andrew Collett.
Established in 1981, and previously trading as Guthrie Douglas, GfA UK Ltd has its roots in engineering excellence and is a leading supplier of high-quality drives and controls to the industrial door market.
GfA UK Ltd is now based at Tournament Fields Business Park, Agincourt Road, Warwick, CV34 6XZ, online at www.gfa-elektromaten.co.uk or call 01926 452 452.