Mechanical accessories
Mechanical accessories
Flange bracket H 107-125
Technical data
Technical data
For series: SG50 / SG50F / SG50E Part no.: 30002685 Downloads
Flange bracket H 80-190
Technical data
Technische Daten
For series: SG50 / SG50F / SG50E Part no.: 30005839 Downloads
Up to 5 kN
Technical data
Technical data
For series: SG63F / SG63F-SIK
SG85 (up to SI 55.15)Max. load: 5 kN Part no.: 40006488 Downloads
Up to 12 kN
Technical data
Technical data
For series: SG85F (from SI 55.15)
SG115F (up to SI 140.7)Max. load: 12 kN Part no.: 40012396 Downloads
Up to 29 kN
Technical data
Technical data
For series: SG115F (from SI 180.6)
SG186FMax. load: 29 kN Part no.: 40016189 Downloads
Flange bracket H 107-125
Torque mounts
Torque mounts
Torque bracket A SG40
Technical data
Technical data
Typ A For series: SG40 Part no.: 30005807 Downloads
Torque bracket B SG40
Technical data
Technical data
Typ B For series: SG40 Part no.: 30005808 Downloads
Torque bracket SG50
Technical data
Technical data
For series: SG50 / SG50F / SG50E Part no.: 30002636 Downloads
Torque mount for series SG63F
Technical data
Technische Daten
For series: SG63F Output-shaft (Ø): ▪ 25 mm
▪ 30 mmIn combination with: ▪ Bracket up to 5 kN Part no.: 30002930 Downloads
Torque mount for series SG85F
Technical data
Technische Daten
For series: SG85F Output-shaft (Ø): ▪ 30 mm
▪ 40 mmIn combination with: ▪ Bracket up to 5 kN
▪ Bracket uo to 12 kNPart no.: 30002930 Downloads
Torque mount for series SG115F
Technical data
Technische Daten
For series: SG115F Output-shaft (Ø): ▪ 55 mm
▪ 60 mmIn combination with: ▪ Bracket up to 12 kN Part no.: 30003162 Downloads
Torque bracket A SG40
Moving-torque mounts
Moving-torque mounts
Moving-torque mount for series SG63F-SIK
Technical data
Technical Data
For series: SG63F-SIK Output-shaft (Ø): ▪ 30 mm Part no.: 20002773.00005 Downloads
Moving-torque mount for series SG63F
Technical data
Technical data
For series: SG63F Output-shaft (Ø): ▪ 30 mm Part no.: 20002641.00004 Downloads
Moving-torque mount for series SG85F
Technical data
Technical data
For series: SG85F Output-shaft (Ø): ▪ 30 mm
▪ 40 mmPart no.:
Part no.:20002494.00024 (30)
20002494.00025 (40)Downloads
Moving-torque mount for series SG115F
Technical data
Technische Daten
For series: SG115F Output-shaft (Ø): ▪ 55 mm Part no.: 20002495.00004 Downloads
Anti-Deflection Device
Technical data
Technische Daten
The Anti-Deflection Device (1) optimizes the movement of roller shutters and rolling grilles with a with moving-torque bracket system (2). The Anti-Deflection Device is available for various shaft diameters as well as for slat thicknesses up to 23 mm and over 23 mm. Additionally, a rack extension (3) expands the range of applications.
Description Part. no. (≤23mm) Part. no. (>23mm) For Ø 30 mm
For Ø 40 mm
For Ø 55 mm
For Ø 60 mm
Moving-torque mount for series SG63F-SIK
Brackets KE
Brackets KE
For KE in use with series SG50
Technical data
Technical data
For series: SG50 Part no.: 30005056 Downloads
For KE in use with series SG85
Technical data
Technical data
For series: SG85 Part no.: 30005055 Downloads
For KE in use with series SG115
Technical data
Technical data
For series: SG115 Part no.: 30005100 Downloads
For KE in use with series SG50
Cable drums
Cable drums
Cable drums for tubes
Technical data
Technical data
Type A Ø 160 mm for tube (Ø):
Ø 200 mm for tube (Ø):133 mm
159 mmPlease note for the UK market: Price subject to availability Downloads
Cable drums for shafts
Technical data
Technical data
Type B Ø 160 mm for shafts (Ø): 25,00 mm - 40,00 mm Please note for the UK market: Price subject to availability Downloads
Cable drums for tubes
Pedestal bearings
Technical data
Flange bearings
Technical data
Pedestal bearings
Further products
Further products
Discs for tubes
Technical data
Technical data
Inner diameters (Ø): 30 mm - 80 mm Outer diameters (Ø): 99 mm - 308 mm For tubes: 108,0 mm x 3,6 mm up to
323,9 mm x 7,1 mmDownloads
Roller chains
Technical data
Technical data
Pitch (p x b) Ultimate load
of chain [N]08 B-1 (1/2“ x 5/16“)
12 B-1 (3/4“ x 7/16“)
16 B-1 (1“ x 17,02mm)
20 B-1 (1 1/4“ x 3/4“)18.000
Technical data
Technical data
Pitch (p x b) Teeth Bore-Ø Pitch
circle-Ø08 B-1 (1/2“x5/16“)
12 B-1 (3/4“x7/16“)
16 B-1 (1“x17,02mm)
20 B-1 (1 1/4“x3/4“)15-57
15-5725-40mm /
40-60mm /
40-80mm /
55-80mm /61,1-230,5mm
Plate wheels
Technical data
Technical data
Pitch (p x b) Teeth Bore-Ø Pitch
circle-Ø08 B-1 (1/2“x5/16“)
12 B-1 (3/4“x7/16“)
16 B-1 (1“x17,02mm)
20 B-1 (1 1/4“x3/4“)45-57
45-5730-40mm /
50-60mm /
50-80mm /
60-80mm /182,1-230,5mm
Stub shafts
Technical data
Technical data
Stub shafts: 25 mm - 55 mm Adapter shafts: 25,4 mm Adapter stub shafts: 25 mm - 55 mm Downloads
Discs for tubes
Electrical accessories
Electrical accessories
Wall-mounted charger
Wall-mounted charger
The go-e wall-mounted charger with load management for TS door controls presents (1) an innovative solution for charging electric vehicles (2). The high installation costs for a wall-mounted charger are significantly reduced with this solution. The prerequisite for installation is that the planned charging point is located near an electrically operated door (3). Costs are saved due to the door control supplying the wall-mounted charger with power rather than it requiring a separate power supply line, which was previously necessary.
Wall-mounted charger go-e
Technical data
A complete system consists of a door control TS 971 with new software (1), a go-e wall-mounted charger (2) and a suitable set of cables for Plug-and-Play installation (3).
Technical data
Designation Part no. TS 971 with
load management function20097100.99001 Wall-mounted charger go-e 20004379.00180 Connection kit
CEE 3N~ 400 V (5-pole.)30005132.30002 Downloads
Wall-mounted charger go-e
Control devices
Control devices
No. 22 aP
Technical data
Technical data
Control device: Emergency STOP no. 22 aP Dimensions W x H x D: 72 x 72 x 48 mm Part no.: 40007038 Downloads
No. 30 aP
Technical data
Technical data
Control device: No. 30 aP Dimensions W x H x D: 72 x 102 x 49 mm Part no.: 40000288 Downloads
No. 31 aP
Technical data
Technical data
Control device: No. 31 aP Dimensions W x H x D: 72 x 140 x 49 mm Part no.: 40015034 Downloads
No. 38 aP
Technical data
Technical data
Control device: No. 38 aP Dimensions W x H x D: 72 x 140 x 49 mm Part no.: 40008196 Downloads
No. 39 aP
Technical data
Technical data
Control device: No. 39 aP Dimensions W x H x D: 72 x 171 x 49 mm Part no.: 40008197 Downloads
No. 51 Ex aP
Technical data
Technical data
Control device: Nr. 51 Ex aP Dimensions W x H x D: 80 x 185 x 85 mm Type of protection Gas:
Type of protection Dust:II 2 G Ex db eb IIC T6 Gb
II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T80 °C DbPart no.: 40009665 Downloads
No. 420 aP
Technical data
Technical data
Control device: No. 420 aP Dimensions W x H x D: 70 x 90 x 65 mm Part no.:
Part no.:40000308
(matching cylinders)Downloads
No. 421 uP
Technical data
Technical data
Control device: No. 421 uP Dimensions W x H x D: 70 x 90 x 65 mm Plate dimensions: 100 x 125 mm Part no.:
Part no.:40000309
(matching cylinders)Downloads
No. 430 aP
Technical data
Technical data
Control device: No. 430 aP Dimensions W x H x D: 70 x 130 x 65 mm Part no.:
Part no.:40000310
(matching cylinders)Downloads
No. 431 uP
Technical data
Technical data
Control device: No. 431 uP Dimensions W x H x D: 70 x 130 x 65 mm Plate dimensions: 100 x 170 mm Part no.:
Part no.:40000311
(matching cylinders)Downloads
No. 330 aP
Technical data
Technical data
Control device: No. 330 aP Dimensions W x H x D: 75 x 192 x 52 mm Part no.:
Part no.:40000306
(matching cylinders)Downloads
No. 22 aP
Radio (434 MHz)
Transmitter SKXLC
Technical data
Technical data
Designation Channels W x H x D [mm] Part no. SKX1LC
443 x 83,5 x 15
43 x 83,5 x 15
43 x 83,5 x 1540012142
Transmitter holder LC
Technical data
Technical data
Transmitter holder for: SKXLC Colour: Black Part no.: 40013415 Downloads
Transmitter SKXGS
Technical data
Technical data
Designation Channels W x H x D [mm] Part no. SKX1GS
445 x 75 x 16
45 x 75 x 16
45 x 75 x 1640017859
Transmitter holder GS
Technical data
Technical data
Transmitter holder for: SKXGS Colour: Black Part no.: 40017862 Downloads
Transmitter SKX
Technical data
Technical data
Designation Channels W x H x D [mm] Part no. SKX1
460 x 85 x 20
60 x 115 x 20
60 x 115 x 2040010623
Rod antenna
Technical data
Technical data
Rod antenna for midi-receiver Part no.: 40000351 Downloads
Technical data
Technical data
With UBS Plug (1)
Designation Description Channels Part no. EKX1M
EKX2MFor TS 970
For TS 9811
40014856With cable connection (2)
Designation Description Channels Part no. EKX1MG For TS 961
For TS 970
up to 06.20061 40012778 Downloads
Technical data
Technical data
Designation Channels W x H x D [mm] Part no. EKX1MD
4120 x 80 x 57
120 x 80 x 5740012146
Transmitter SKXLC
Main switch
Technical data
Technical data
Switch: Main switch Dimensions W x H x D: 100 x 125 x 70 mm Part no.: 40000526 Downloads
Main switch Ex
Technical data
Technical data
Switch: Main switch Ex Type of protection Gas:
Type of protection Dust:II 2 G Ex db eb IIC T6 Gb
II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T80 °C DbDimensions W x H x D: 112 x 205 x 130 mm Part no.: 40014087 Downloads
Pull switch no. 21
Technical data
Technical data
Switch: Pull switch no. 21 Version: Light duty version for
wall-mountingDimensions W x H x D: 36 x 135 x 33 mm Part no.: 40000530 Downloads
Pull switch no. 23
Technical data
Technical data
Switch: Pull switch no. 23 Version: Heavy duty version for
and ceiling mounting
with 2,5 m chainDimensions W x H x D: 60 x 131 x 100 mm Part no.: 40019479 Downloads
Coil spring actuator
Technical data
Technical data
Switch: Coil spring actuator no. 6
slow break contact
1 NO contact / 1 NC contactSwitch: Coil spring actuator no. 7
snap action contact
1 NO contact / 1 NC contactDimensions W x H x D: 36 x 205 x 33 mm No. 6 part no.:
No. 7 part no.:40000532
Roller-arm limit switch no. 17
Technical data
Technical data
Switch: Roller-arm limit switch no. 17
1 NO contact / 1 NC contactDimensions W x H x D: 36 x 96 x 33 mm Part no.: 40000529 Downloads
Roller-arm limit switch no. 20
Technical data
Technical data
Switch: Roller-arm limit switch no. 20
2 change-over contacts;
left- and right side activationDimensions W x H x D: 40 x 177 x 60 mm Part no.: 40000542 Downloads
Slack-rope switch
Technical data
Technical data
Switch: Slack-rope switch Dimensions W x H x D: ▪ 150 x 294 x 157 mm
(short pulley 88 mm)
▪ 232 x 294 x 157 mm
(long pulley 170 mm)Part no.: ▪ 30000972 (left 88 mm)
▪ 30000973 (right 88 mm)
▪ 30000907 (left 170 mm)
▪ 30000437 (right 170 mm)techn. Daten shown example: left-hand version Downloads
Pass-door switch
Technical data
Technical data
Switch: Pass-door switch Version: Door frame installation Cable length: 6,0 m Part no.: 30004677 Downloads
Main switch
A UPS (1) guarantees the uninterruptible power supply of a door drive system consisting of drive unit and door control (2). If a power failure is detected, the UPS automatically switches to emergency operation. In emergency operation, the drive system can be used for at least one opening process of the door (3). The possible duration of emergency operation depends on the power consumption of the door drive system and the battery capacity of the UPS. The GfA product range offers two different UPS devices for door drive systems with supply via single-phase alternating current.
UPS Type A
Technical data
Technical Data
UPS: Type A Input voltage range: 162 V - 290 V Input frequency: 50 Hz / 60 Hz Output voltage: 1~230 V Output power (active/nominal): 1600 W / 2000 VA Max. capacity: 36 Ah Batteries: 4 x 12 V Temperature range: 0 °C … +40 °C Weight (with batteries): 35 kg Dimensions (WxHxD): 677 x 400 x 200 mm Battery set: incl. Part no.: 20003219.00004 Downloads
UPS Type B
Technical data
Technical data
UPS: Type B Input voltage range: 190 V - 264 V Input frequency: 50 Hz / 60 Hz Output voltage: 1~230 V Output power (active/nominal): 3000 W / 3750 VA Max. capacity: 110 Ah Batteries: 2 x 12 V Temperature range: +5 °C … +40 °C Weight (with batteries): 103 kg Dimensions (WxHxD): 815 x 760 x 300 mm Part no. battery set: 40017178 Part no.: 20003219.00012 Downloads
UPS Type A
Traffic-lights & Lamps
Traffic-lights and lamps
Red traffic-light
Technical data
Technical data
LED traffic-light: Red Calotte Ø: 130 mm Voltage: 230 V / 50 Hz - 60 Hz Power 3 W (15 mA) Socket: E27 Dimensions W x H x D: 151 x 151 x 250 mm Part no.: 30005345 Downloads
Green traffic-light
Technical data
Technical data
LED traffic-light: Green Calotte Ø: 130 mm Voltage: 230 V / 50 Hz - 60 Hz Power: 3 W (15 mA) Socket: E27 Dimensions W x H x D: 151 x 151 x 250 mm Part no.: 30005346 Downloads
Yellow traffic-light
Technical data
Technical data
LED traffic-light: Yellow Calotte Ø: 130 mm Voltage: 230 V / 50 Hz - 60 Hz Power: 3 W (15 mA) Socket: E27 Dimensions W x H x D: 151 x 151 x 250 mm Part no.: 30005347 Downloads
Red-Green traffic-light
Technical data
Technical data
LED traffic-light: Red-Green Calotte Ø: 130 mm Voltage: 230 V / 50 Hz - 60 Hz Power: 3 W (15 mA) Socket: E27 Dimensions W x H x D: 151 x 302 x 250 mm Part no.: 30005348 Downloads
LED illuminant for replacemet
Technical data
Technical data
Illuminant for replacemet for all color options Voltage: 230 V / 50 Hz -60 Hz Socket: E27 Part no.: 40017652 Downloads
Technical data
Technical data
Beacon Light mods rotation / flash Diameter (Ø): 100 mm Height: 139 mm Colour: Orange Degree of protection: IP65 Voltage: 230 V, 3 W Part no.: 40019343 Downloads
Technical data
Technical data
Flashlamp set Diameter (Ø): 100 mm Height: 110 mm Colour: Orange Degree of protection: IP65 Voltage: 230 V, 15 W Part no.: 20003217 Downloads
Red traffic-light
Loop detector
Technical data
Technical data
Loop detector: 1-channel / 2-channel
to be fitted into a housingDimensions W x H x D: 38 x 75 x 71 mm Part no.:
Part no.:40015427 (1-channel)
40015882 (2-channel)Downloads
Loop detector in housing
Technical data
Technical data
Loop detector: 1-channel / 2-channel
in housingDimensions W x H x D: 75 x 125 x 125 mm Part no.:
Part no.:30001266 (1-channel)
30002517 (2-channel)Downloads
Polarised reflex photo-beam
Technical data
Technical data
Polarised reflex photo-beam Range: 7,5 m Degree of protection: IP65 Incl.: Reflector, bracket, 5 m cable Part no.: 40014429 Downloads
Through photo-beam
Technical data
Technical data
Throuh photo-beam Range: 25 m Degree of protection: IP65 Incl.: 2 brackets Part no.: 40014432 Downloads
Technical data
Technical data
Radar detector (1): Herkules 2 Dimensions W x H x D: 134 x 82 x 75 mm Degree of protection: IP65 Part no.: 40015923 Remote control (2) Part no.: 40015924 Downloads
Loop detector
Weekly timer
Technical data
Technical data
Time switch: AlphaRex For door controls: TS 970, TS 971, TS 981 Dimensions W x H x D: 75 x 125 x 125 mm Degree of protection: IP66 Part no.: 30002255 Downloads
Yearly timer
Technical data
Technical data
Time switch For door controls: TS 970, TS 971, TS 981 Dimensions W x H x D: 125 x 175 x 150 mm Degree of protection: IP66 Part no.: 30002464 Downloads
Weekly timer
Gearbox heaters
Gearbox heater
Gearbox heater
Technical data
Technical data
Gearbox heater: with automatic temperature regulation For use at temperatures: below -5 °C Max. heating capacity: 50 W For ELEKTROMATEN from: 06.2005 onwards Use with gearbox series SG115: 2 heaters recommended Degree of protection: IP65 Part no.: 20002766.00002 Downloads
Gearbox heater
Wall-mounted charger
Spare parts
Spare parts
Drive units
Spare parts for ELEKTROMATEN
Series KG50
Technical data
Series SG50
Technical data
Series SG63F-SIK
Technical data
Series SG63
Technical data
Series SG85
Technical data
Series SG115
Technical data
Series KG50
Door controls
Spare parts for Door controls
Service case
Technical data
Technical data
The GfA service case allows the efficient and cost-effective fault analysis on site.
Designation Designation 1. Case
2. GfA-Stick
3. Voltcraft digital
4. Door control TS 971
5. WSD door module
6. Spiral cable w.
junction box
7. Digital limit switch
8. Universal OSE set 0,5 m
9. OSE tester10. Rubber profile OSE 0,2 m
11. Connection cable 6,5 m
for OSE
12. Rectifier EGR II
13. Resistor 8k2
14. Installation instructions
15. Additional documents
for structured fault
diagnosticsDesignation Description Part no. Service case Documentation -de-en-fr-
Documentation -fr-es-it-
Documentation -ru-pl-cs-20004007.00001
TS up to 2006
Technical data
Spare parts for
Door controls: TS 910 / TS 912 / TS 913 /
TS 955 / TS 960 / TS 961 /
TS 970 / ST 5 / ST 6Year: up to 2006 Downloads
Technical data
Spare parts for
Reversing contactor controls: 2 Contactors
3 ContactorsDownloads
Housing TS-A
Technical data
Spare parts for
Door controls: TS 956 / TS 958 / TS 961 /
TS 970 / TS 981Housing: TS-A Year: 2006 - 2012
from 2006 (TS 981)Downloads
Housing TS-B
Technical data
Spare parts for
Door controls: TS 959 / TS 970 / TS 971 Housing: TS-B Year: from 2012 Downloads
Service case
Drive units